Escape quickly and safely with Safe-S-Cape!
Ensuring the protection of your residence and family is paramount; however, it’s also pertinent to have an effortless escape route in case of an emergency. Crimsafe recognizes this need and has created a Safe-S-Cape Security System for windows that permits you to vacate any room rapidly while maintaining outsiders at bay. Ensure that you’re ready with our cutting-edge security system – be confident knowing both your well being and serenity are guarded! Make securing your home stress-free with Safe-S-Cape Security Screens.
Unlocking is a breeze from the inside, requiring only the press of a button. Not to mention that you get to choose whether it swings in or out for an even more comfortable exit! With its ease and convenience, Safe-S-Cape Security Screens make protecting your home simpler than ever before.
Benefits of our Safe-S-Cape
Safe-S-Cape Window Screens have all the super strength you expect from Crimsafe, and they are easy to open from the inside. There are a number of SafeS-Cape benefits worth considering: